A recent application by the Bantham Estate to the Marine Management Organisation to lay and maintain moorings in the Avon Estuary has drawn unusual critical attention to a process that has gone on without comment for generations with no obvious damage to the...
The ACA Forum
Conserving the Devonshire Avon from source to sea
Devon Avon Estuary designated as a Marine Conservation Zone
Defra has announced (31 May 2019) the designation of the third tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs). All 41 new sites and the addition of new features to 12 existing MCZs proposed during last summer’s consultation are now designated. I am sure you will be...
Glorious mud!
For the latest on the re-branding of estuary mud as 'blue carbon', go to ECOLOGY>Marine Conservation Zone on this website.
Consultation about designating the Devon Avon Estuary as a new Marine Conservation Zone
DEFRA is consulting until 20th July 2018 about designating new Marine Conservation Zones, seeking any fresh information that might influence the decision. The summary sheet for the Avon Estuary proposal is available here - Devon Avon Estuary Factsheet At present, the...
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