There has been some suspicious recent activity in the estuary involving a boats/s known to both the Marine Management Organisation and Devon & Severn Inshore Fishing Conservation Association. These boats sometimes offload their catch in Timbers car park at Aveton...
The ACA Forum
Conserving the Devonshire Avon from source to sea
SPRING NOTES - AUNE CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Life in the Devon Avon continues much as normal although recreational activity in the estuary has been severely curtailed during 'Lockdown'. Unfortunately, our social gathering in the form of the Tidal Road clean-up...
Avon runs low
The Environment Agency has two gauging stations for monitoring water levels on the Avon, at Didworthy and Loddiswell. Data from both indicate a severe reduction in water flow during the current very dry spell of weather, especially in the lower reaches. On Saturday...
Netting Permit Byelaw – publicity events
Devon and Severn IFCA are holding a number of events to publicise the proposed Netting Permit Byelaw. Please join Officers at the promotion trailer that will be at the following venues between 1600hrs and 2000hrs. This is your opportunity to ask questions and find...
Some important relevant consultations that are live at the moment : 1. The South Devon AONB Planning Guidance Consultation is now open until Tuesday 16th August 2016. For full details, please visit...
Devon Avon (Water Quality) Group
The notes from the most recent meeting of the Devon Avon (Water Quality) Group or DAG have been added to the appropriate page in the ECOLOGY section. Amongst other things, it will be seen that SWW's programme of water releases from the Avon dam, for fisheries...
Restoration of the upper Avon – a report on fish-spawning gravel augmentation
The Plymouth University/ Westcountry Rivers Trust report on gravel augmentation formed part of the South Hams Rivers Improvement Project to restore the Avon to a state akin to that which existed before the construction of the Avon Dam. The report may be found on the...
Devon and Severn Inshore Fishing Conservation Authority is conducting a review of netting byelaws in our river estuaries. If you follow the links provided here - newsletter netting review - , you can complete a survey to provide your views about netting in the...
A salmon angler’s guide
A new guide to the best techniques in catching , landing, handling and releasing salmon has just been endorsed and distributed by the Environment Agency, as follows:- Salmon anglers guide
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