A message from the Aune Conservation Association (ACA):-
I hope you are enjoying the recent sunshine and, perhaps, are managing to get out on the water or walk around the Avon Estuary to benefit from its peaceful serenity.
It is worth pointing out that next week (15th/16th July), the estuary will be somewhat more crowded than usual owing to the Outdoor Swimming Society’s Bantham ‘Boomerang’ and ‘Swoosh’ which will involve 100’s of people swimming in both directions between Aveton Gifford and Bantham. This is a well-managed and carefully supervised event but if you are out and about in a boat, please watch out and be prepared to give way to swimmers.
As most of you will know, in high season the estuary is watched over by the Avon Patrol, which does an excellent job in advising and helping anybody in need about safe and secure behaviour. An annual summary of the patrol’s logs is sent to the Avon Estuary Forum (AEF) and demonstrates what a thoroughly worthwhile job is being done by the watchful staff. In support of the work of the patrol, the ACA has devised some Tips for Visitors, summarised on our website and accessible by a QR code which the AEF has asked to be displayed on notice boards around the estuary. The code can be scanned with a mobile phone for easy, portable availability.
We also make an annual contribution to the patrol’s operating costs along with SHDC, the Duchy of Cornwall and the Avon Valley Ski Club. These annual, voluntary payments of £500 make considerable inroads into our limited financial resources and if you’d like to make a contribution to help keep us afloat, please dos so via the SeaMoor lottery file, below, and the QR code in the bottom right hand corner of the poster. In the national draw on 27th August our supporters will have the chance to win a fantastic prize – a £1,000 Currys Voucher. That’s on top of the weekly guaranteed cash prize, AND the chance to win the £25,000 jackpot!
LOTTERY DETAILS:- seamoor lotteryboost _Currys
I’d like to thank our regular lottery supporters for their generosity; some even win occasionally!
Also on the subject of funds, members may be interested to find out that the ACA committee has recently agreed to help fund a new initiative involving local experts and schoolchildren, ‘Wild About Loddiswell’, that is categorising local wildlife and improving understanding around that beautiful part of the Avon Valley . On a recent ‘bioblitz’ they managed to spot over 550 species of flora and fauna. The data is still being analysed but there was a wide range of local engagement – from presentations and workshops with the local school children to walks and surveys with villagers.
Thanks for your help with the ACA’s work and good luck in the lottery!
Stuart Watts
ACA Chairman