The ACA Forum

Conserving the Devonshire Avon from source to sea


by | Jul 2, 2018 | Main | 0 comments

Since it’s foundation, the ACA – an environmental conservation charity focussed on the South Hams’ Avon – has depended exclusively upon limited funds generated by our lifetime membership subscription (only £20 for a family!), occasional charitable donations and money raised through social events. However, our limited income has always somewhat restricted our activities.  So, we applied and have been accepted to be a beneficiary of the new SHDC-sponsored Sea Moor Lotto, which aims to help a variety of local causes.    Now, we need the support of at least 50 donors to derive the maximum benefit from the lottery.  Please help by going to our lotto webpage by typing the following address into your internet search engine: and making a donation.  Look out for the logo – thank you!

Our existing funds are spent upon such activities as: arranging educational workshops for local schools e.g. on South Efford Marsh; organising expert talks on topics of interest (e.g. micro-plastic pollution, water mills of the Avon); supporting the Avon Patrol to prevent unlawful water-based activities such as speeding boats and associated environmental damage in the estuary; participating in the South Devon Catchment Partnership; and organising the Devon Avon Group to improve both the quality and quantity of river water from moor to sea.  However, we’d like to do more with these initiatives and others to help the public enjoy the unspoilt and idyllic environment of our wonderful river and estuary.   For example, with adequate funding, we could arrange for regular independent testing of river water quality (several sewage treatment works discharge into the Avon and phosphate levels below Loddiswell are too high), do more to help the Avon Patrol and, maybe, even improve the Avon Estuary ferry from Cockleridge (Bigbury) to Bantham harbour, which forms an important but under-used link in the SW Coastal Path.

Please help us to do more by buying a ticket or two!



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