The attached review of Environment Agency data on fish stocks in the Avon may be of interest - click here to read the document - RIVER AVON FISH CATCHES. We often are told how things aren’t ...
Once again our luck held and, on 12th May, 18 hardy souls were able to enjoy a sunny spell, a stroll, a sandwich and each other's company in Stiddicombe Wood, admiring the bench the ACA purchased
At our AGM on 21st April, the existing committee (Ros Brousson, Peter Marsh, John Peters, Bill Starey, Stuart Watts and Eric White) was re-elected with the welcome addition of Mike Cooper of ...
Bill has added an array of photographs of the estuary to the GALLERY page but we need many more, including upstream scenes (source to sea!) to give a complete picture of what the Avon has to ...
Himalayan Balsam is an invasive weed that clogs waterways. The ACA has been fortunate to obtain an award from the South Devon AONB's Sustainable Development Fund to produce a leaflet asking the ...
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