The ACA Forum

Conserving the Devonshire Avon from source to sea

BEACH CLEAN: Bigbury-on-Sea

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Main | 0 comments

If you’d like to help keep the beaches around the estuary free of  rubbish, you can come along on Saturday 30th September at 10.00am for a 1 – hour beach clean.  The event is being organised by Amanda Keetley from ‘Less Plastic’ in association with ‘Surfers against Sewage’ and is being supported by Venus cafe, who will be providing free tea/coffee for volunteers (please BYO reusable mug!).

Meet on the beach below the free (surfers) car park, at the bottom of Folly Hill at 10.00am.   HW will be around 1350.  Please come suitably attired and observe our usual safety precautions (see guidelines at  Gloves and bags will be provided.

Here is the link on Amanda’s Facebook page:

I hope to see you there!


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