The ACA has collaborated with the AONB Estuaries Partnership in producing a new biosecurity plan, available on the link below, to help stop the spread of marine non-native species in our South Hams estuaries.. Please read it and take note.
The risks of an invasive non-native species in the Avon are relatively low owing to the regular flushing of the estuary by freshwater but with increases in the number of people and craft using the estuary for recreational purposes, the danger is still present. Please be vigilant and take any relevant precautions, as advised in the plan.
The effects of invasion by Spartina or cord grass in the Avon Estuary after artificial introduction by Man are all too evident in the steady accumulation of silt and mud. Multiplication of the Pacific Oyster outside of the farmed racks in our estuary is prevented by limiting the externally-sourced juveniles to triploid (infertile) individuals.
See the full plan here:-